San Francisco CA | Under Construction
DBA collaborated with a diverse team in a comprehensive renewal vision for Pier 70, a historic industrial site on San Francisco’s Central Waterfront that is currently a mix of vacant land, deteriorating buildings, storage, and staging areas that restrict public waterfront access. DBA performed massing studies and housing yield analysis for the 28-acre waterfront site. We developed big urban-scale ideas and informed the team about ideal residential parcel sizes, how to maximize construction type, and functional and livable street and sidewalk widths. We did numerous rapid building prototypes exploring parcel size and configuration. Diving deeper per parcel, we explored and analyzed the most efficient ways to provide parking and housing within those lots. Several of our key idea were included in the final Design for Development document. Studies for a block the Pier 70 Redevelopment exploring how parking type effects yield and character of a residential neighborhood
Project Details
Pier 70
San Francisco, CA
United States